Golden Joys (20 x20cm) Roslyn Mary


Acrylic on Cotton Canvas

Ready to hang.

Please note that postage is not included in this price - contact us for a quote via email - or feel free to purchase & we will send you a postage invoice prior to despatch.

Resident painter from Leura, Blue Mountains, Australia.

'A Christmas present that keeps on giving!

My family 'Christmas gifted' me with a term’s art classes in Sydney at the beginning of 2019.
One term became two!
Two terms became an unstoppable joy!
Now I'm painting daily.

At the moment, I’m painting flowers and more flowers and vases, jars, tins…in fact anything that can hold some of the flowers that I love or am learning to love!

I see myself primarily as a Gardener. Flowers, trees, plants and vases have been part of my world since childhood. So, I think, to paint them is to paint a part of who I am.

This chapter is a gift. Unexpected, totally unexpected, as are most life giving gifts. And, I am savouring the moment!'